ASI/48575 PPAI/110857 SAGE/50084 UPIC/DATAMAX
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7 x 10 appointment planner with weekly and monthly pages. Includes 16 pages of real estate tables and charts.
8 1/2" x 11" weekly appointment planner, with heavy weight cover and brass corners
Weekly planning pages, with room to records expenses on each weekly spread. Includes 16 page section with various real estate tables and charts.
Complete dictionary of real estate related terms and phrases. 225 pages with clear definitions of common terms used by realtors and title companies
7" x 10" monthly planner with 16 pages of real estate related charts and information
Real estate planner with loan amortization charts
8 1/2" x 11" weekly appointment planner, with record keeping for a realtor
Refillable appointment planner with 30 minute appointment planner and executive simulated leather cover. Includes 16 pages of real estate tables and charts.